Common Concerns About In-home Ottawa Photography Sessions

As an Ottawa family photographer, I can tell you that in-home sessions are quickly becoming my favourite setting to photograph. There’s just something so eternal and fun about them while also being casual and relaxed. My goal is to help you preserve memories that are genuine and our homes are about as true-to-us as we can get.

However, there are three common myths or concerns that are sometimes expressed to me by potential clients. Read on as I try to clarify how these sessions work so you know if it might be for you.

ONE - “My home isn’t ‘very fancy’ ”

Your home doesn’t need to be “fancy”. What does that even mean anyway? Media influences are powerful and can skew our idea of what’s beautiful or acceptable. Trust me, you do not need an all white, newly renovated, perfectly decorated home like we all see constantly on Instagram. That’s not reality for most of us and that’s ok. The special thing about in-home sessions is that they truly represent who we are as our homes are usually a reflection of that. “Fancy” or otherwise.

TWO - “My home is a mess.”

Me too. All of us truly. Those of us with children or teenagers anyway. Probably pets. I clean and organize and by later that day, you’d barely know it. Honestly don’t worry, we can work around it. In-home family or newborn sessions typically take place in a few general areas: the family/living room, bedroom, and baby nursery. However, those aren’t set in stone and we can certainly use a hallway, kitchen or even a laundry room, depending on lighting! This permits us to work around any areas of your home that are under construction or a bit “busy”.

While there’s definitely no need to deep clean, I do recommend that clients try to tidy a little bit though - this simply means moving things off of countertops, putting away clothing or towels hanging on door hooks, or storing away items on the floor that can cause background distractions. While rearranging furniture is not necessary, we can gently move smaller items off to the side for a few minutes if they seem distracting and I always help with this if we need it.

THREE - “It’s so dark in my house.”

I’ve completed in-home sessions in new, modern spaces with huge windows and lots of natural light, as well as older more traditional spaces with dark walls. If you’re concerned about lighting, we will find the best space with natural light and stay close by or I use my own. I always bring my own light to in-home sessions, just in case, so you never have to worry about poor quality as a result of low light.

On the flip side, don’t be surprised if I ask you to turn off overhead lights or lamps. Mixing different temperatures of light in a home can lead to some odd look colour casts. So even if your home is really nicely lit, we may use only windows or doors to light the setting (which also takes away some of the worry since everyone has at least some windows and doors!).

FOUR - “It’s always so hard getting everyone ready before a photo session and now my home?”

I’d argue in-home photo sessions are actually easier on you than outdoor or studio photo sessions. Does everyone still need to get dressed, brush their hair, etc? Yes. Do you also need to tidy up a bit? Yes. BUT there is no need to drive, often to an un familiar location, worry about traffic and being late, worry if anyone needs a potty break, worry if anyone will fall asleep in the car and then wake up cranky on arrival (this can be toddlers…or also Dads….no shame!), then coming back home and maybe hitting more traffic, etc. You’re home, you’re in your space, you’re comfortable, no herding cats or commute required.

All I ask is that you are indeed ready upon arrival with things tucked away and everyone in their outfits. Starting off your session late or rushed has a funny way of transferring itself into the moment and into the photos. However, please do not worry if your newborn baby needs a last minute feed or has a diaper explosion right before - babies are gonna do what they’re gonna do and we can’t plan for that and as a Mom of 2, I totally get it. Their needs come first.

FIVE - “What if it’s bad weather that day??”

Just kidding! That’s one of the great things about in-home sessions! No need to reschedule due to rain, frigid temperatures or heat advisories. And seeing as this is Ottawa, those things definitely happen.

I hope this helps address any worries you might have had about in-home sessions. Want to proceed? Yes, let’s do it! I can’t wait to do this with you!


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